You're LEAVING us?! Say it ain't so! Alright, well if you must... we'll try our best to make it easy on you — and also do our best not to cry.
Step 1. Make Sure You're Logged in With an Account That Has a Subscription
You can sign in by going to Log In in the 3-bar menu on mobile, or "Log In" on desktop. If you're already logged in on the account you want to cancel with, move on to Step 2.
Mobile Web
Mobile App
Step 2. Once You're Logged In, Go to "Account"
Mobile Web ("Account")
Mobile App ("Edit Subscription")
Step 3. On the Overview tab, scroll down to "Cancel Membership"
Be on the lookout, this one's a little bit tougher to find for our mobile users.
Mobile Web and App
Step 4. Fill out the survey, and once you confirm you're all set!
This is to help us learn more about why you're canceling, which in turn will help us build a better product for our fans. Think about it like paying it forward!
Once you've completed the survey and confirmed, the cancellation is complete — nothing further needed on your end. We hope this was helpful! If it wasn't, please let us know at
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